Psalm: 90:09- We spend our years as a tale that is told


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Moments from God

Daddy and Talia's Journey to Charlotte-3 flights, 2 layovers, 30 hrs.

Hmm...everything sounds and looks so different!
Hello America!

Mommy and Harper's journey to the airport: Up all night with anticipation, a 45 min. car ride (that felt like 30 hrs.) and a one hour wait at the airport!

The first book I get to read to my daughter!

Harper trying out her bed to make sure it feels "okay" for Talia!

We are ready for you, Talia!

Okay Mama is completely ready 4 hrs. ahead of time...Let's bring this baby home!

 A full year leading up to this very moment orchestrated by God, Our Father.

This picture was taken by a wonderful friend who is also a photographer, Emily Lapish.  I will upload them in the coming weeks!
But here was her sneak peak and the wording she chose to caption it: "I witnessed a miracle tonight. There are no words. This is the look on the face of the mother, as the wait is over and she sees her child for the first time. I wish you could have heard her cry of joy."

Quite honestly I do not have any other words then to say "Thank you"! Thank you to God for His provision, thank you to each person reading this-your support brought Talia home  and Thank you to the Holy Spirit for prompting us to say "Yes" to Talia! My cries of Joy was seeing this little girl, our daughter, finally home where she belongs. In that moment and every moment since she has been in my arms I feel like the most blessed Mama in the world! I am so thankful for listening and obeying God's calling for us. If we had not we would have missed out on a wonderful miracle in our lives and hers. This journey from start to finish was nothing short of a miracle!

As for the exact moment I saw her it was love at first sight! I don't remember much but seeing her face look a little scared when she came down the escalator so I backed off and let Harper hug her first then I went in for some love! There were a lot of family huddles!

For all my Facebook friends, entire adoption community and friends that could not make it to the airport I felt you all there with me as I stood and waited to see my daughter for the first time!
Talia finally in her Mommy's arms-3 years and one month!

Thankful to our Lord-for eternity!

(Put my music player on pause and grab some tissues!)

"And not only for that nation, but to bring together and unite all the children of God scattered around the world"

John 11:52


  1. Congratulations! I've been following your journey since we both brought our baby Harper's home in 2010.
    We were in your shoes 4 months ago...Melaina joined our family at the age of 21 months.
    I can't wait to watch your girls develop a sisterly bond. It's been a blessing watching mine, they truly LOVE each other~hopefully the "honeymoon" phase will last forever!

  2. Love watching these videos and following your journey!!! What a blessing!! God is so good!! Beautiful family !! So happy for you guys!!

  3. Tears to my eyes and Godbumps to boot, at reading these past two posts. What love and faith! Love the picture of you kissing Talia and her smiling and of the two sisters :) Just Beautiful!
